
ALERT: Military Warns of IMMINENT Crisis

While Biden and his cronies were looking south, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea all decided to get sneaky. Military forces of the U.S. European Command are on high alert, braced for war with any one of those crazy countries at any moment. The crisis is imminent, they warn.

U.S. Military on highest alert

While all the palace attention was focused like a laser on busing illegal aliens into the heartland of America, after separating out the unaccompanied kids for bureaucratic abuse in border jails, our enemies decided to test the patience of Imperial Leader Joe Biden.

Now, the U.S. military is on the highest level of alert in Europe after Russian troops started massing for an invasion of eastern Ukraine. The situation, Pentagon officials say, has “escalated sharply in recent days” after four Ukrainian soldiers were killed during a battle against Russian-backed forces.”

The liberal reporters don’t like to admit that this particular battle isn’t a new one. Machine-gun and artillery fire has been blazing “for seven years, since breaking out during the Obama administration in 2014.” Trump kept the Kremlin’s antics to a minimum but now Biden is in charge and everyone knows his dog beats him to a pulp.

The Russians were supposed to go home after some war games in the area but they didn’t. If that didn’t make military leaders nervous, “officials have discovered ‘new weaponry’ on the Russian-backed side,” and that does.

“In the past week,” the U.S. military forces of the European Command “raised its watch level from possible crisis to potential imminent crisis.” Media outlets note this is “the highest level,” and also that it was done totally “in response to the deployment of the additional Russian troops.”

On top of that, “Russian negotiators have warned that peace talks might be breaking down.” Things, the experts say, are looking grim all the way around. “Both the Russian and Ukrainian side acknowledged that tensions had rapidly escalated.” It might be time to head to that nice bunker in New Zealand now.

It’s all Biden’s fault

One thing that all of the experts can agree on is that the military posturing and potential invasions are all Joe Biden’s fault. The Russians especially became unreasonable after “Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin a killer during an interview with ABC News last month.”

Rumors say it “angered” Putin. “Biden emphasized Ukrainian sovereignty during his January phone call with Putin, but has failed to schedule a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”

General Tod D. Wolters, who serves as head of U.S. European Command, confirmed that he personally “raised the American military’s watch level for the second time in several days,” and that he did it “after Russian troops failed to leave Ukraine’s border region.”

Strategists were convinced that the troops would decamp “after the conclusion of a military exercise on March 23.” They aren’t moving. That has all the analysts advising “the troop buildup could well be a way for Moscow to measure the Biden administration’s commitment to Ukraine.”

According to a retired lieutenant general and a former top U.S. Army commander in Europe, Frederick B. Hodges, “This could be posturing, but the Kremlin is testing the new administration.” So is China. “The Chinese military was conducting exercises that would simulate an operation against U.S. warships that sail through the Bashi Channel.”

Not only did they fly through Taiwanese airspace, they invaded Japan’s as well. Even The Financial Times can see that if China does invade Taiwan, it could “drag the United States into a war.” Iran didn’t get any pallets of cash so the Ayatollah “just signed a new cooperation agreement with China.” Meanwhile back at the ranch, “North Korea has signaled that they have no interest in even talking to the Biden administration as officials have detected that North Korea has restarted weapons testing again.”

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