
Terrorist Regime Iran Threatens to Assassinate President Trump

Suddenly, the Liberal media is terrified that President Donald Trump has been threatened with assassination. The Ayatollah threatened the president, they cry. Trump has B-52’s standing by, so he’s not worried about Iran. Normally the press would either ignore or snicker over a threat to the “Bad Orange Man,” but surprisingly, they’re making a big deal out of the one year anniversary of the president’s strike on Iran’s top terrorist, General Qasem Soleimani.

Iran anniversary overshadows an American one

President Trump has the state of affairs regarding Iran well under control and isn’t afraid of their hit teams. He can also see from his window all the preparations being made in Washington D.C. for a patriot invasion on January 6. The mainstream network press is totally forgetting about the five year anniversary of the patriotic occupation of Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which began January 2, 2016.

The Malheur protest started one day after patriotic supporters of Donald Trump declared him to be their designated negotiator and delivered a formal Breach of Contract notice to Barack Obama and Joe Biden via social media. This Wednesday, there will be an army on hand as Congress decides whether to do what’s right or not.

According to “a report” Faux News writes, President Trump, and anyone else linked to the U.S. strike, “will not be safe on Earth,” a top official in Tehran warned.

Well, who is? Nobody, with those nuts in Iran running around loose enriching uranium willy-nilly and chanting “death to America.”

on Friday, Ebrahim Raisi, called a “judiciary chief” in Iran, broke what would be a law in America by illegally threatening that not even an American president is “immune” from Iranian “justice.”

At a Tehran University gathering, Raisi warned, “they will witness severe revenge. What has come so far has only been glimpses.”

A special delivery for Tehran

“Do not presume that someone, as the president of America, who appeared as a murderer or ordered a murder, may be immune from justice being carried out. Never. Those who had a role in this assassination and crime will not be safe on Earth.”

Iran forgets he was a terrorist who kept his appointment with his 72 virgins. President Donald Trump has a special delivery with Raisi’s name on it loaded aboard an American delivery plane and standing by. Tehran may be glowing in the dark soon. Then again, Trump might just stick with conventional bunker busters. He may need the nukes for Beijing.

For years, Soleimani, ran the elite intelligence wing called Quds Force, internationally designated as a terror group since 2007. “Considered one of the most powerful men in Iran, he routinely was referred to as its ‘shadow commander’ or ‘spymaster.'” Finding a replacement has been a challenge.

Now they’re looking for a new atom bomb specialist too. The one they had got whacked last month. They’re afraid to point the finger at Trump for that so blame Israel. They also noticed those B-52’s making regular runs across their airspace. One of these days, something might fall out of them on the way over but who can tell? It makes the Ayatollah edgy.


Faux relates, “in a recent show of strength, the U.S. military flew two B-52 bombers on a mission in the Middle East earlier this week, marking the third time in 45 days that U.S. Air Force bombers had flown missions in the Persian Gulf region.”

Two days before Christmas, President Trump issued a clear warning to Tehran. “Some healthy advice to Iran. If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over.”

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