Hidden in Plain Sight- Tech Savvy Trump Supporters Claim 'The Code' Responsible for Switched Votes Has Been Found

Hidden in Plain Sight- Tech Savvy Trump Supporters Claim ‘The Code’ Responsible for Switched Votes Has Been Found

New York, NY- With news breaking from The Gateway Pundit to MadworldNews to thedonald.win the left seem to be in full panic mode to bury this story. Skilled analysts who sensed something was terribly wrong on election night have answered the call. Tech savvy Trump supporters claim they have found ‘The Code’ that Switched Votes from President Trump to Former Vice President Joe Biden. They’ve pored over hundreds of pages of code and revealed their findings to the online world. The implications are wide reaching and disconcerting.

What did the reports say?

According to the root thread on thedonald.win

“The data shows serious IREGULARITIES and there should be a full investigation into the Dominion system to determine what really happened on election. Switched (sic) did happen for Biden to Trump, as some of you have pointed out, and they also happened from 3rd party to (mainly Biden) both. The results should disturb everyone.”

Jim Hoft, founder of The Gateway Pundit revealed Thursday,

“We obtained an unaudited analysis of data available for all the states looking for system glitches and other oddities in vote counts related to the Presidential race only. The author obtained data that has been passed around that was reportedly captured by the New York Times on election night.

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.”

Anastasia Boushee, of PatriotUnitedNews wrote on November 7th that “Trump supporters are using a glitch in the vote-counting software in a small Michigan county as evidence that votes for the president are being suppressed.” If the new information coming to light this week is correct, then the problem is far more widespread and would have undoubtedly skewed the results of this election in favor of Joe Biden.

What did ‘The Code’ these “Tech-Savvy Trump Supporters” Found do?

Unaudited analysis shows Dominion voting machines and others allegedly switched 512, 095 votes from Trump to Biden and “Lost” or “Deleted” 2,865,757 votes. The only states unaffected are Nevada, Alaska, Washington, Hawaii, Idaho, Oklahoma, Indiana, Delaware, Vermont and the District of Columbia. This means the election results of the remaining 41 States could be irreconcilably compromised.

What does this mean for the election result?

At this point, the results in 41 states would have to be thrown out. And with a do-over vote all but impossible before the Electoral College deadline on December 14th, and lawsuits in progress in multiple states, we could very well see the first ‘Contingent Election’ decided by the House of Representative’s State Delegations in modern history.

Reuters explained:

“Each state delegation in the House gets a single vote. As of now, Republicans control 26 of the 50 state delegations, while Democrats have 22; one is split evenly and another has seven Democrats, six Republicans and a Libertarian.”

If it goes that far: it’s a likely Trump win. Keep digging patriots, they can’t stop the code.


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