
Working Class Rebellion Forms [Videos]

The streets of Melbourne have been transformed into a battleground between construction workers and tradesmen, known colloquially as ‘tradies’ to the Australians in full-blown rebellion, and the Melbourne and Victoria Police struggling in vain to retake control of the streets after the tradies enraged at being threatened with mandatory vaccination and termination for non-compliance took the streets and called on their unions to protect them. But the unions already had their orders from the Labor governments of PM Scott Morrison and Victoria Premier Dan Andrews. The match was struck in front of CFMEU (Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union) Headquarters. On Monday, September 20th, the anger of thousands of men and women who spend their days’ building and repairing Australia, exploded.

A Peaceful Rally That Exploded With Anger After Union Leaders Brand Their Members “neo-Nazis”

Avi Yemeni, Rebel News’ Cheif Australia Correspondent was on the ground when the peaceful demonstration turned ugly. At the moment when CFMEU leaders promised to go down and speak with their members, and instead took to Twitter and the radio releasing a statement that insulted and degraded them all, characterizing them as “neo-Nazis and right-wing extremist groups”. They wrote, “This crowd was heavily infiltrated by neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremist groups and it is clear that a minority of those who participated were actual union members.” They added for good measure, “These are not actions of people who care about their workmates and the construction industry. They are the actions of extremists or people manipulated by extremists.

Yemeni asked protestors if the Labor Party has officially turned its back on the working class, one protestor responded

“I’m telling your right now we’ve turned, you know what, because they’ve turned their back on us.”

Rebel News wrote, “Starting from next week, any construction worker that has not begun the vaccination process will lose their job. Furious, union members demanded to know what they paid their union fees for as Labor’s health orders threaten their livelihoods. Setka repeatedly claimed he has never supported mandatory vaccination for union members.

The confrontation started badly, with Setka’s off-sider flipping an ‘up yours’ V-sign as he stepped out of the building to address the crowd. Tensions escalated as Setka asked the crowd if they wanted him to shut the whole construction industry down, to which they replied, “Shut it down! Shut it down!”.

They then called Setka a ‘sell-out’ and ‘scabber’ for allowing other constructions workers to cross the picket line and take their jobs instead of standing up for the rights of all workers. Getting nowhere, Setka turned his back on the crowd and retreated into the building.

This sparked the furious workers to throw water bottles and attempt to follow him into the CFMEU headquarters. Union officials were shown on camera viciously beating members of the crowd with the megaphone before the doors closed.”

Police Forced To Retreat As Angry Rebellion Spreads City-Wide

From there the situation went from bad to worse, with snippets of video emerging on Twitter of tradies by the hundreds and thousands choking freeway traffic, marching through the paralyzed Australian city while vastly outnumbered law enforcement attempt to regroup.

The Conservative Treehouse warned that we could see much the same coming to American shores soon,

“The vaccination passport methods, processes and procedures being tested right now in Australia are soon to arrive in the United States. Electronic check-ins and QR codes deployed to track the movements of vaxxed and unvaxxed are being tested right now in almost all states in Australia. We The People in America are only a few weeks or months away from having to make the same decisions that middle-class Victorian workers are faced with right now. This is why you should pay attention to what is happening there.”

If that should prove the case, then we need to watch the situation develop in Melbourne very carefully and prepare accordingly. American unions should certainly take notice of the fate of the CFMEU, the lockdowns have not been as harsh here and the Biden-Harris regime has taken great care to slowly increase the temperature for the frogs in the pot in the hopes that they wouldn’t see the kind of reactions playing out in Australia, France, and Germany. As the Democrat-Soclialists’ hold on America continues to deteriorate with Biden’s approval rating plummeting and new polls showing over half the nation don’t believe he is mentally fit to lead, the bottom can drop out at any time.

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