Video: Chuck Schumer Hints at Rigged Election 'Biden Will be Installed'

Video: Chuck Schumer Hints at Rigged Election ‘Biden Will be Installed’

“Joe Biden will be installed as President” That sentence spoken by the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer should send a dread chill through the bones of every constitutionalist in the nation. Words are important and while this could be written off similarly to one of the Freudian slips that Former VP Joe Biden has become legendary for.

The traditional definition of ‘Installation’ in a political sense refers to the placement of a person in a position of power typically by a third party or superior body. As defined by Google, to Install means to “place (someone) in a new position of authority, especially with ceremony.” The question is: who would be “placing” Joe Biden in the office of President? We don’t do that in this country.

Why is it an wrong to say ‘Biden Will be Installed’?

Historically speaking we don’t describe a new President of the United States as being “Installed”, “Coronated” or “Ascending” to the role. Typically we are very careful to talk about their “Election”, their being “Chosen” by the people and being “Inaugurated”. This stems from the original debate on the Title of the President in the US Senate under then Vice President John Adams.

“Adams’ suggestion? “His Highness, the President of the United States of America, and Protector of the Rights of the Same.” Adams believed that a title with the same pomp and grandeur of European royalty would give the presidency and the nation greater respectability on the world stage. But most senators were offended by the title’s royal overtones and instead approved the title “President of the United States.” “

It is from this original distaste for the ‘pomp and grandeur of European royalty’ that this key nuance originates, it is a key part of our history.

Chuck Schumer Hints at Rigged Election?

Schumer has perhaps unknowingly placed constitutionalists, conservatives and libertarians all over the country on alert with his loose talk of ‘installing’ Joe Biden as President. His comment when taken with the mounting evidence that the 2020 Election was compromised through a combination of  Dominion Voting Systems irregularities and deliberate interference from prominent democrats creates an image of dark back-room deals between globalists, progressives and democrats that only feeds the growing alarm and distrust many Americans feel.

With American faith in our electoral system disintegrating all around us as political violence in the streets is erupting. Was this just a slipped phrase or a slipped truth like Joe Biden’s “Most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”? Time will tell.

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