State Department Phone Transcript – Hillary Knew Benghazi Was a Planned Attack

There are so many reasons why Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and will be re-elected in 2024. One of the big reasons is that Democrats lie and they simply cannot be trusted.

They tell lies as if their lives depend on it. One of the biggest lies that Democrats have tried to get us to believe over the years boils down to one word…Benghazi.

When the head Democrat cackling hen Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she fouled up Benghazi so badly that we are still feeling the after-effects from it several years later.

She kept repeating the nonsense story that the incident came about because of an internet video that was according to her a total sham, but we all know the truth. There’s no sane person who could truly believe what she said on the situation.

For example, Utah congressman Chason Chaffetz wrote the following in U.S. News: “Benghazi does matter. It isn’t just because some Americans were killed.

If Clinton hadn’t continually lied about everything under the sun, she might have had some plausibility to her story. However, it seems that liberal journalists have been trying to dump a big wet blanket on anyone who insists that conservatives are wrong in their assessment of what happened on that fateful day.

It’s pretty clear by this point that Hillary Clinton knew that Benghazi was a planned attack.

In a phone conversation with then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, Secretary Clinton said, “We know that the attack in Libya didn’t have anything to do with the film. It was not a protest. It was a planned attack.”

Prime Minister Kandil simply answers, “You are not kidding there. Based on some of the latest information I have seen, we have reason to believe that this group that is claiming responsibility for that attack has close ties with al-Qaida.”

Yet another lie from Hillary Clinton in a litany of lies that could fill most large metropolitan libraries. It’s why she could not be trusted with being President of the United States.

It’s why if a Democrat tells you what your name is you should doubt them.

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