Deplorable conservatives are cheering Cypress College for canning one of their liberal paid indoctrinators. This professor became unprofessionally furious when one of her students dared to call police officers “heroes.” The whole meltdown was caught on video thanks to modern technology.
Police are heroes
Some Americans still believe that police officers are heroes who play a valuable part in the community but this insanely inappropriate reaction to that point of view in a college level classroom shows how widespread the racist propaganda has become.
Liberal indoctrination used to be subtle. If this student hadn’t been separated from his left-leaning indoctrinator by a digital transmission she might have physically attacked him.
Because the Andromeda Strain virus commonly called Covid-19 managed to get everyone locked away in quarantine for the past year, Cypress College was forced to conduct classes virtually using the Zoom platform.
Apparently one of their teachers couldn’t leave her personal feelings out of the classroom. Student Braden Ellis made the mistake of backing the blue and calling police officers heroes. He just flunked his verbal communications class.
After he gave his presentation, the following discussion annoyed a fellow student and the teacher went totally spastic. She “interrupted him multiple times, not agreeing with his support of law enforcement.”
The video shows the whole thing. The exchange went viral on social media, causing the schools administration to come totally unglued as well. Police officers can be heroes whether teachers like it or not.
All of them
Every time Ellis tries to get a word in edgewise, the AOC lookalike professor gets all google-eyed and interrupts the student. She has her mind made up to the point of becoming ridiculous.
The student interrogates her to the point where her head explodes in anger trying to defend an indefensible point. “I think cops are heroes and they have to have a difficult job,” Ellis said in the video. “But we have to have…” The liberal jumps in “all of them?”
Being reasonable, Ellis concedes there are a few bad apples in every barrel. “I’d say a good majority of them. There are bad people in every business.” The teacher couldn’t cope with that. To her no cops are heroes.
“A lot of police officers have committed an atrocious crime and have gotten away with it and have never been convicted of any of it,” the teacher said. So there. That was supposed to end the discussion. It didn’t. “This is not popular to say, but I do support our police and we have bad people, and the people that do bad things should be brought to justice. I agree with that.”
“They haven’t,” the instructor interjects. Like it’s supposed to make a difference. When Ellis said he agrees the bad ones should be brought to justice, it wasn’t good enough.
“So what is your bottom line point? You’re saying police officers should be revered, viewed as heroes?” Actually “allowed to appear on children’s television shows?” The bickering was hilarious but the student won the argument.
The liberal professor couldn’t fight her way out of the logical corner she backed herself into. The debate devolved to her saying that she wouldn’t call the police if her life was in danger because she “didn’t trust the police. My life’s more in danger in their presence.”
More in danger than an intruder with a gun? The intruders seem to be her heroes. She turned off the video feed when he brought that up. Not long after that, Cypress administrators pulled her plug too.