
DeSantis Gubernatorial Opponent Just LOST HIS MIND

Ron DeSantis finally knows who he will be facing off against in November.

It will be former governor and former Republican, Charlie Crist.

Crist is now a Democrat.

Crist also happens to be talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Unite, but Divide

Crist gave a great speech about running on a unified platform.

When he was asked about luring away some of DeSantis’ supporters so he can win the election, unity went right out the window.

Crist, who is trailing by about seven points in the latest polling, says he does not want DeSantis’ supporters.

He then called DeSantis every name in the book.

Based on his telling DeSantis’ supporters to stay with DeSantis because he does not want them on his side, I would have thought he also meant all those nasty things about half the residents of Florida.

Here is Madman Crist after finding out he won his primary…

To make matters even more entertaining, Crist immediately expressed his support for Joe Biden, inviting him down to Florida to campaign.

Crist stated, “Look at what he’s – President Biden – done for our country. He’s been exceptional.

“Look what he’s done for the world… what’s happening in Ukraine, him bringing NATO together, new members to NATO – Finland, Sweden. It’s remarkable.

“What other president could’ve done what he’s done? He’s been phenomenal.

“Gas prices are down. Inflation is trending down. Democracy is trending up.”

Apparently, Crist enjoys some reefer before appearing before the camera, because the man was either high as a kite or completely delusional if he believed one word of what he just said.

Oh, if there is one governor’s race outside of my state that I will be deeply interested in, you better believe it will be this one.

Here’s to hoping DeSantis mops the floor with this clown and hands him a double-digit defeat.

Source: Fox News

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