Democrat HOSTILE Takeover Ramps Up, HERE is Their Newest Tactic


They call for Unity, amidst the most base assaults on the US Constitution and the rule of law. This is how the Democrat hostile takeover of the United States ramps up, here is their newest tactic.

Challenge us in court? Fine we’ll go after your lawyers.  

Here is What Their Newest Tactic Looks Like

Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. of New Jersey has opened up legal complaints with the bar associates of five different states against 22 lawyers working with the Trump legal team. These lawyers are working to uncover the rampant irregularities of the 2020 Presidential Election and seeking justice for the millions of Americans who voted for President Trump. The left seems determined that the President not see his day in court. This is in spite of the preponderance of evidence which attorney Sidney Powell said “We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.” Democrats like Pascrell are going all-in to make sure this evidence is never seen by the public in open court.

The Frightening Thing Is: It Works

According to Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley there has been a concerted multi-state effort to harass, threaten and “force lawyers to abandon Trump or his campaign as a client”

Turley wrote:

“It (The Lincoln Project) reportedly joined Democrats in targeting law firms like Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur and threatening its lawyers with professional ruin. It claimed that any firm working for Trump on election litigation was part of a “dangerous attack on our democracy.” Trying to strip people of their counsel, of course, is the real attack on our democracy — and it worked: The firm buckled and withdrew, saying the pressure caused internal struggles and at least one lawyer’s resignation.”

Lincoln Project tweet (FNC screenshot)
Lincoln Project tweet (FNC screenshot)

The Next Logical Step of the Democrats Hostile Takeover

What we’re seeing is the ‘full-court press’, lawyers are harassed and threatened into resignation, denying the Trump campaign legal representation or recourse. State legislators who meet with the Trump campaign to discuss election irregularities are threatened with prosecution by the Michigan Attorney General. Even local election officials are being considered for prosecution for doing their due diligence.

Lawfare Oxford Defined











This is not mere legal slight-of-hand, this is not simple lawyerly maneuvering. This is outright lawfare by it’s Oxford definition. As Carl von Clausewitz wrote “War is simply the continuation of political intercourse with the addition of other means…” If we apply the thinking of Clausewitz to America’s Cold Civil War that would make lawfare the next logical escalation between the ballot box and an outcome to terrible to contemplate.

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