
Commando Cleric Pokes Head Up – Takes Heavy Return Fire

On February 7, “commando” cleric Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò issued a statement of solidarity with the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” truckers. He’s been driven into hiding by his role as a guerrilla general in the war against the Deep Church and New World Order evil. Every time he pokes his head up to criticize gene therapy “marketed” as a vaccine, ranking church officials snipe back in the press. They’re firing at him with the media version of assault weapons this time, for backing the trucker revolution.

Commando cleric chooses side

Radical “commando cleric” Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò infuriates New World Order globalists every time he opens his mouth because he dares to speak the Truth. This time he’s chosen sides in solidarity with vaccine mandate protesting truckers in Canada and beyond. “Dear brothers and sisters, Canadian truck drivers,” his latest letter begins.

He doesn’t pull a single punch in his scathing analysis of the current situation. This is bigger than any single nation, he reminds. “The global coup” disguised with “two years of psycho-pandemic farce,” has “been carried out by the globalist elite.” That’s a whole lot easier to see, he notes, “if we do not limit ourselves to considering what happened in individual nations but broaden our gaze to what has happened everywhere.

He’s a major fan of Canadian truckers and not afraid to name names. “Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation-states through the Great Reset desired by the World Economic Forum and by the United Nations under the name of ‘Agenda 2030.‘”

The insurgent cleric knows “that many heads of government have participated in Klaus Schwab’s School for Young Leaders — the so-called Global Leaders for Tomorrow — beginning with Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, Jacinta Ardern and Boris Johnson and, before that, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair.”

It would seem, he notes, that “Canada is (along with Australia, Italy, Austria and France) one of the nations most infiltrated by the globalists.

The cleric is convinced that “in this infernal project, we must not only consider the psycho-pandemic farce but, also, the attack on traditions and Christian identity.” All Christians, he notes, but admits he’s still partial to Catholics. “indeed, more precisely, the Catholic identity of these countries.

Truckers acting on instinct

Viganò praises the native instinct of the Canadians to do what’s right and proper. “You understood this instinctively and your yearning for freedom was shown in all its coordinated harmony moving towards the capital, Ottawa.” Have faith, the cleric urges.

Dear truck drivers, you are facing great difficulties — not only because you give up your work to demonstrate but, also, because of the adverse weather conditions, long nights in the cold and attempts to be cleared away that you face.” There is a purpose. “But, along with these difficulties, you have also experienced the closeness of many of your fellow citizens who, like you, have understood the looming threat and want to support you in protesting against the regime.

The rebel cleric promises all the aid he can give. “Allow me also to express to you my support and my spiritual closeness, to which I join the prayer that your event may be crowned with success and may also extend to other countries.” Enemies and spies are everywhere, it seems.

In these days, we see the masks of tyrants from all over the world fall and, unfortunately, we also see so much conformism, so much fearfulness, so much cowardice in people who, up until yesterday, we regarded as friends, even among our family members.” It’s not to late to change, though.

Yet, precisely because of this extreme situation, we discover with amazement gestures of humanity made by strangers, signs of solidarity and brotherhood on the part of those who feel close to us in the common battle. We discover so much generosity and so much desire to shake us from this stupor. We discover that we are no longer willing to passively suffer the destruction of our world — imposed by a cabal of unscrupulous criminals thirsty for power and money.

This, the cleric insists “is the Great Reset, this is the future promised by slogans like ‘Build Back Better,’ this is the future of billions of people being controlled in their every move, in all their transactions, in every purchase, every bureaucratic practice, every activity.


Zombie blasting cleric

The renegade cleric parted ways with the Vatican long ago but still supports their founding principles, visualizing himself as a killer of liberal zombies. “Automatons without souls or wills, deprived of their identity, reduced to having a universal income that allows them to survive, to buy only what others have already decided to put up for sale, transformed by a gene serum into people who are chronically ill.

Speaking of gene serum, when Viganò dismisses the so called vaccines as “experimental gene serums which are supposedly vaccines against Covid,” he’s not just blowing incense smoke. That’s the hard medical science. No wonder the guerrilla archbishop had to go underground.

The medical community admits that the cleric is right. The “mRNA ‘vaccines’ created by Moderna and Pfizer are in fact gene therapies.” Everyone calls them vaccines even though they “fulfill none of the criteria for a vaccine.

An actual real vaccine will stimulate “a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” All mRNA gene therapy drugs marketed as vaccines are designed to do is “lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein.

Today, more than ever, the cleric pens, “it is essential that you realize that it is no longer possible to passively assist. It is necessary to take a position, to fight for freedom, to demand respect for natural freedoms.” That’s why he’s backing the truckers.

But, even more, dear Canadian brothers, it is necessary to understand that this dystopia serves to establish the dictatorship of the New World Order and totally erase every trace of Our Lord Jesus Christ from society, from history and from the traditions of peoples.

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