The Secret Service is well-known for possessing highly trained and skilled professionals who are responsible for protecting the president and various other high level government officials. But what we don’t hear as much about is the variety of tactics and methods they use in order to do their jobs.
Luckily, we’ve found a video that breaks down some of the most insane tactics used by Secret Service agents…and I’m sure a few will surprise you.
The primary responsibility of the Secret Service is to provide physical protection for both current and former US Presidents and Vice-Presidents, as well as their families. They also offer security for visiting foreign dignitaries, major presidential candidates during elections, and special events such as inaugurations or state funerals.
In addition, they are responsible for investigating counterfeiting cases and credit card fraud, making arrests related to these crimes, and protecting national monuments such as Mount Rushmore.
It is an agency whose mission is respected and revered by many in the political sphere.
The agency consists of two distinct divisions: Protective Services Division (PSD), which handles protective details, and Investigations Division (ID), which deals primarily with investigation matters including counterfeiting investigations.
PSD agents are highly trained in firearms use, defensive tactics, driving techniques, explosives training, surveillance tactics, crowd control measures among many other skillsets relevant to their job requirements.
ID investigators have specialized knowledge in financial crimes such as counterfeiting and money laundering along with other criminal activities pertaining to fraud or piracy violations.
The Secret Service works hard every day to make sure our leaders remain safe from physical harm or malicious schemes orchestrated by those with nefarious intentions towards them or their work on behalf of Americans everywhere.
Their role may seem like an unnecessary expense at times but when you consider how much worse off we’d be had such protection not existed then really there’s no denying its necessity within today’s increasingly hostile political climate.